There are two types of diabetes diagnosed in pets:
- Type 1 diabetes: causes a shortage of insulin because the body no longer makes insulin and is the most common!
- Type 2 diabetes: causes an incorrect response from the cells to the insulin that is being produced and is insulin resistant!
Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas that signals the body to break glucose down and use it for energy! Without insulin the excess glucose in the blood will be carried out of the body in urine instead of being used for energy, and there will be a lack of energy.
Some symptoms in the early stages are:
- Excessive thirst and urination
- Hunger
- Weight loss even with a normal appetite
Some later signs include:
- Anorexia (complete loss of appetite)
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Vomiting
Managing diabetes takes a lot of consistency! Insulin injections need be done every 12 hours at the same time each day, feeding needs to be the same time of day every day, plus frequent blood glucose blood test to be sure the insulin is regulated.
Diabetes can be managed and diabetic pets can live a happy, healthy life with proper care.
Should your pet display some of the above symptoms contact your veterinarian. Early treatment is very important.